About Me

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I love Reading, Creating Jewelry & other Whimy's, Movies, Epic soundtrack scores, Coffee & White Chocolate, etc etc

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Book Influencer Opportunities: a new frontier..

I think it's obvious I have not utilized this blog as much as I could be (made more obvious by the date on the last post). With all the Instagram and FB posting of pictures that I do for all my creative projects, I know I should move them to here, but am still researching the right way to post and give credit to the different products I use. While I'm still on the research end of that idea, I decided I would use my blog for another fun venture I've recently entered into: being a book influencer!
I LOVE to read, will often have 3-5 books that I'm reading through stacked on my nightstand bookshelf and a number of titles lined up on my Kindle Fire (yes, I have embraced the genius of the Kindle, though do not despair, nothing will ever replace the thrill of turning paper pages ;) ) Years ago after finishing Waterfalls by Robin Jones Gunn, I realized I had just read about my dream job: Acquisitions Editor. Since that has not been an easy position to pursue, I have been blessed instead to be in the company of friends who work in publishing and often snag me a copy of new novels before they even hit the local shelves, and I get to live vicariously through their fun stories of getting to hang out with some of my favorite authors in person.
Now regarding this Book Influencer venture! I get to receive and read new novels in advance before it arrives in stores, and then get to put out reviews on some of the top online book dealers as well as other creative ways to get word out on the street about the new releases. It's something I'm just now trying, and not sure where this may take me in the future, but for right now I'm loving it, especially since it starts with two of my current top 5 favorite authors: Dani Pettrey and Ronie Kendig. My next post will be my review of Silenced by Dani Pettrey that I completed today, to be followed by Ronie's new novel Raptor 6.
Like I said, we shall see how this goes in the future, and keep an eye out for some fun craft posts too as I figure out the logistics of blogging.


Monday, February 15, 2010

Mr Knightley? Yes please :)

Have you seen the new BBC version of Emma? I'm obsessed. I've had it playing on my Mac nonstop since discovering a lovely person who posted the whole thing to YouTube & then finally got my own DVD copy when it was released Feb. 9th. I've always been a huge Darcy fan, but I gotta say Knightley may be edging his way to the top. I love his love for Emma, but also how he has no qualms in telling her when she's crossed a line. I'm liking him so much, a Knightly quote has made it onto my new line of Jane Austen quote coffee mugs. When I get a picture of these I'll try to get them posted here. It's my latest "creative" obsession. A plain white mug and a ceramic pen...who knew the multitudes of possibilities!!
Anyway, this new Austen addition to my favorites list has also inspired some new jewelry pieces that I worked on this past weekend. As soon as I can get my photos done and edited, they will make their Whimsical appearance, so keep an eye out for them ;o)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A Giant Leap into the world of Blog...

So after months of suggestions and advice to start a blog about my creative ideas and processes to further advertise my imaginations and give people a fun glance at me, here it is! Don't expect much from it yet as I learn how to utilize this new found world wide web device, but check back as I learn to share and even give you advance glances at the creations of WhimsicalSwizzles (& a few fun things on the side as well) :o)